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File Created: 21-Sep-2011 by Nicole Barlow (NB)
Last Edit:  06-Feb-2013 by Laura deGroot (LDG)

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Name ANTI 1-4 Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 103P020
Status Showing NTS Map 103P01E
Latitude 055º 07' 12'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 128º 06' 25'' Northing 6108509
Easting 556956
Commodities Antimony, Silver Deposit Types I09 : Stibnite veins and disseminations
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Anti 1-4 claims are located on the east side of Mill Creek, approximately two kilometres north of the junction of the Kitwanga River and Skeena River. The antimony showing was originally discovered in the 1920s during logging operations. At this time, a number of short, roughly 3 metre long adits were dug into a narrow and steeply dipping vein of stibnite that is exposed over 20 metres.

The area is underlain by Middle Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous Bowser Lake Group sediments. Locally the rock is brecciated with a siliceous matrix containing stibnite.

In 1966, L.J. Manning and Associates staked the area and collected approximately 75 soil samples over the property. A B.C. Department of Mines assay from the period assayed 17.66 per cent stibnite (Property File - Schroeter, 1978 (Field Notes Anti-Kitwanga)). Other assays from this time range from trace to 12.9 per cent stibnite with trace silver (Property File - Schroeter, 1975 (Assay Samples-Anti Claims)).

EMPR BULL 63; 64
EMPR FIELDWORK 1988, pp. 233-240; 1990, pp. 235-243; 2005, pp. 1-4
EMPR OF 1986-2; 1994-14
EMPR PF (Schroeter, T. (1975): Assay Samples - Anti claims; Schroeter, T. (1978): Field Notes - Anti-Kitwanga)
GSC OF 864
EMPR PFD 880539, 880540